Thursday, June 11, 2015

Crown Lengthening

A dentist’s first goal is always to save your teeth, which is why dental professionals have developed many dental procedures that help prevent tooth extraction. One such procedure is crown lengthening, which Dr. Eric J. Aubert of Forest Park Dental in St. Louis, MO uses in cases where decay has decimated a tooth to a point where there is not enough tooth structure left upon which to fix a crown.

If a tooth has broken below the gum line or if decay has developed underneath an existing crown or filling, crown lengthening allows a new crown to be placed rather than extracting the tooth. While called crown lengthening, this common surgical procedure does not actually lengthen the crown. What it does is lower the gum line, and Dr. Aubert does this by removing gum tissue, bone or both to expose more of the tooth and provide a foundation for the crown.

The procedure is performed with a local anesthesia to numb the area. When the area is fully numb, Dr. Aubert will pull the gums away from the teeth and expose the roots and surrounding bone. In some cases, removing a little of the gum tissue will expose enough of the tooth for placing a crown. However, it is more likely that some bone will also have to be removed from around the roots of the teeth. After removing the necessary amount of tissue and bone, the area is washed and the gums stitched.

Dr. Eric J. Aubert works hard to always protect his patient’s teeth and to provide the best quality of dental care available in St. Louis, MO. To schedule an appointment, call (314) 367-7200. For more information about Dr. Aubert and other services offered at Forest Park Dental, please visit

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